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I Was Deemed Useless and Got Fired as an Adventurer, so I Returned to My Hometown to Get Married ~My Wife Is the Daughter of the Dragon Lord That Tried to Destroy the World and My Ability Awakened~
1,517 1 15

I Was Deemed Useless and Got Fired as an Adventurer, so I Returned to My Hometown to Get Married ~My Wife Is the Daughter of the Dragon Lord That Tried to Destroy the World and My Ability Awakened~

I Merged With the Goddess and Evolved
2,690 1 10

I Merged With the Goddess and Evolved

Return To Player
380K 31 865

Return To Player

I, Who Have the Natural Charismatic Traits, Was Targeted by Yandere Disciples
26K 9 91

I, Who Have the Natural Charismatic Traits, Was Targeted by Yandere Disciples

Gacha wo Mawashite Nakama wo Fuyasu Saikyou no Bishoujo Gundan wo Tsukuriagero
109K 11 218

Gacha wo Mawashite Nakama wo Fuyasu Saikyou no Bishoujo Gundan wo Tsukuriagero

I Opened an Orphanage in a Different World, But Why Doesn't Anyone Want to Graduate?
113K 14 216

I Opened an Orphanage in a Different World, But Why Doesn't Anyone Want to Graduate?

Makutsu no Ou ~Yomei Ikkagetsu no Doutei, Mahou Shoujo Harem o Kizuite Ou e Kunrinsu~
6,255 0 58

Makutsu no Ou ~Yomei Ikkagetsu no Doutei, Mahou Shoujo Harem o Kizuite Ou e Kunrinsu~

The Evil Alchemist Can't Handle His Own Experiment
18K 3 50

The Evil Alchemist Can't Handle His Own Experiment

Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord
490K 46 1,153

Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord

Kusobitch na Gal Ane o Wakaraseru Hanashi
29K 6 85

Kusobitch na Gal Ane o Wakaraseru Hanashi

95K 13 88


Sekai Saikyou no Kishi wa, Kanarazu Shinu Heroine wo Sukuu Tame Isekai Demo Saikyou no Kishi to Naru ~Ryoutei ni Hana wo, Ryoute ni Ken wo~
10K 9 76

Sekai Saikyou no Kishi wa, Kanarazu Shinu Heroine wo Sukuu Tame Isekai Demo Saikyou no Kishi to Naru ~Ryoutei ni Hana wo, Ryoute ni Ken wo~

Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu.
19K 1 55

Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu.

Bouken ni Iku Fuku ga Nai!
2,227 2 6

Bouken ni Iku Fuku ga Nai!

The Patchwork Hero
12K 6 37

The Patchwork Hero

Backwater Old Man Becomes a Swordmaster
153K 21 422

Backwater Old Man Becomes a Swordmaster

I Don’t Really Get it, but it Looks like I Was Reincarnated in an Another World
108K 17 161

I Don’t Really Get it, but it Looks like I Was Reincarnated in an Another World

My Life As A Loser 2
14K 5 25

My Life As A Loser 2

I'll Be Spoiled by My Big Sis Cousin?
20K 11 80

I'll Be Spoiled by My Big Sis Cousin?

Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi.
7,091 4 5

Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi.

Hero Has Returned
703K 75 757

Hero Has Returned

A Barbarian Was Admitted to the Academy
51K 17 106

A Barbarian Was Admitted to the Academy

50K 18 198


Uchi ni Kaeru to Itsumo Kukkoro ga Iru
8,122 5 34

Uchi ni Kaeru to Itsumo Kukkoro ga Iru